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Dr Saad Anis
- Pain Specialist at Tauranga Public Hospital and Grace Hospital
- 07 543 4569
- Tauranga Anaesthetic Clinic, First Floor, Oropi Centre, 281 Cheyne Road, Oropi

Saad is an interventional pain specialist treating ACC and private patients in his clinic at Grace Hospital. He helps patients with all types of chronic pain, and has a special interest in managing neuropathic pain, musculoskeletal and complex spinal pain.
He uses interventional pain procedures for the relief of acute and chronic pain. These procedures include spinal injections and joint injections; radiofrequency neurotomy and spinal cord stimulation; botox injections to relieve chronic headaches and myofascial trigger points.
Saad studied for his MBChB at the University of Liverpool, and carried out his specialist training in pain medicine and anaesthesia at the NE London Deanery, Barts, and the London NHS Trust.
He took up a Fellowship in Interventional Pain Medicine at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, and then worked as a consultant in pain medicine and anaesthesia in London for 18 months before bringing his family around the world to the beautiful Bay of Plenty.
Saad is now the Clinical Director of Chronic Pain Services at Bay of Plenty District Health Board, and Consultant in pain medicine and anaesthesia at Grace Hospital, where he has his private clinic. His private practice allows Saad to engage with patients earlier in their pain journey. This early intervention reduces the likelihood of significant disability or a reduced quality of life, which chronic pain can cause.
Saad and his family are keen hikers, and love nothing better than exploring the wonderful and stunning countryside of New Zealand.
Contact details:
Tauranga Anaesthetic Clinic, First Floor, Oropi Centre
281 Cheyne Road, Oropi
Grace Hospital
Tel: 07 543 4569
Fax: 07 543 5230
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