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Mr Tony Lamberton
- MBChB, FRACS (Orth.), FNZOrthA
- Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Grace Orthopaedic Centre and Grace Hospital, Tauranga
- 07 543-1855
- 335 Cheyne Road, Tauranga Private Bag 12506 Tauranga

Tony specialises in hip and knee surgery, in particular, hip and knee joint replacement, with 15 years’ consultant experience in these procedures. He also has over 10 years’ experience in computer-guided knee joint replacement surgery, and a particular interest in revision joint replacement surgery, which involves replacing joint replacements that have worn or failed. After completing orthopaedic specialist training in New Zealand, Tony completed the prestigious Ling Fellowship in Exeter, UK, training under Mr Graham Gie FRCS, and Mr John Timperley FRCS, two of the world’s best hip replacement surgeons. Additional experience was gained during visitations and observerships in Canada, USA and Europe. His clinical interests include Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), developing programmes for rapid recovery and rehabilitation in orthopaedic surgery. Tony uses computer-guided Total Knee Joint Replacement, a more accurate and less invasive procedure that improves recovery from surgery for his patients. He also has a particular interest in minimising venous thrombo-embolism (DVT and PE) in orthopaedic surgery. As well, he applies effective techniques for minimising blood loss in joint replacement surgery. Impaction bone grafting in Revision Total Hip Joint Replacement is a highly specialised procedure that has been shown to achieve positive outcomes in difficult reconstructive surgery. Tony has specific training and experience in this procedure, which he performs when this will achieve the best result for his patient. Tony has been chairman of Tauranga Orthopaedic Research Society since its formation in 2005. This non-profit organisation collates and studies information about the outcomes of surgery on behalf of all the orthopaedic surgeons in the Bay of Plenty. With more than 10 years of outcomes, we can compare our patients’ success against international benchmarks to ensure we are providing world-class care. He has been the president of the New Zealand Hip Society since 2016 and, since 2015, he has taken part in the Expert Faculty Group of Surgical Site Infection Improvement (SSII) programme. Tony is passionate about using the best surgical techniques, together with optimal hip and knee joint replacement implants, to bring his patients the best outcomes in the long term. Tony lives in Tauranga with his wife and three children. He enjoys skiing and water sports, including paddleboarding. An Old Boy of Tauranga Boys’ College, he has been active on the Old Boys’ Association since 2007. Contact information: Suite 1 Grace Orthopaedic Centre 335 Cheyne Road, Tauranga Private Bag 12506 Tauranga Tel 07 543-1855 www.tonylamberton.co.nz www.orthocentre.co.nz |
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