
Professor Peter Gilling

  • Urologist at Urology Bay of Plenty Limited, Tauranga and Grace Hospitals. Professor of Surgery, University of Auckland Head of Bay of Plenty DHB Clinical School Ac
  • 07 579-0466
  • Virtuoso, Level 1, Suite 6, 850 Cameron Rd, PO Box 56, Tauranga.


Peter is New Zealand’s most experienced robotic surgeon and was part of the team that pioneered robotic surgery in New Zealand. He was recently ranked as number six in the world as an authority on the research and treatment of prostate enlargement by Expertscape.

Peter consults at Urology Bay of Plenty Limited, his private practice partnered with Mark Fraundorfer. He is based in Tauranga and offers a range of Urological treatments. Treatment for prostate cancer includes Laser Surgery, Brachytherapy and Cryotherapy as well as Robotically-assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy.

Peter brings the benefit of more than 25 years’ surgical experience. The pioneer in New Zealand’s robotic surgery programme at Grace Hospital, he has been performing surgery with robotic assistance using the da Vinci surgical robot since 2007 - this makes him New Zealand’s first and most experienced robotic surgeon.

Peter is committed to the ongoing advancement of urological treatments and is heavily involved in research. Over the years he has introduced many new surgical techniques and devices to New Zealand practice. He also plays an active role in education and serves on a number of international advisory panels and committees.
Peter received two prestigious awards in 2015:
The Surgical Research Award from the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons
The Distinguished Career Award from Societe Internationale d’Urologie

Contact information:
Virtuoso, Level 1, Suite 6, 850 Cameron Rd, PO Box 56, Tauranga.
Tel 07 579-0466
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