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Mr David Ardern
- MB,ChB, FRACS (Orth)
- Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Tauranga Public Hospital and Grace Hospital
- 07 543-1863
- 335 Cheyne Road, Tauranga Private Bag 12506 Tauranga

David is a consultant surgeon at Grace Hospital with a special interest in spinal surgery, hip and knee joint replacement, as well as general orthopaedic surgery.
After completing his MB,ChB at the Otago School of Medicine in 1991, David gained experience and diploma qualifications in a broad range of areas including sports medicine, occupational medicine, paediatrics and obstetrics. After practising as a GP for several years, he completed his specialist qualification through the New Zealand orthopaedic training programme. Following this he completed further fellowship training in the areas of spine and sports surgery.
These days David’s time is split equally between public and private practice. He believes that this helps him to provide the best possible continuity of patient care, and it also facilitates the breadth and scope of practice that he enjoys.
Whilst David’s clear focus has always been as a hands-on treating clinician, he has presented and published his own work and ideas nationally and internationally in a number of different areas over the years. A particular area of interest is the use of computer-navigated spine surgery, which he has been using at Grace Hospital for several years now with the aim of improving patient safety and outcomes.
Contact information:
Grace Orthopaedic Centre
335 Cheyne Road, Tauranga
Private Bag 12506 Tauranga
Tel 07 543-1863
After completing his MB,ChB at the Otago School of Medicine in 1991, David gained experience and diploma qualifications in a broad range of areas including sports medicine, occupational medicine, paediatrics and obstetrics. After practising as a GP for several years, he completed his specialist qualification through the New Zealand orthopaedic training programme. Following this he completed further fellowship training in the areas of spine and sports surgery.
These days David’s time is split equally between public and private practice. He believes that this helps him to provide the best possible continuity of patient care, and it also facilitates the breadth and scope of practice that he enjoys.
Whilst David’s clear focus has always been as a hands-on treating clinician, he has presented and published his own work and ideas nationally and internationally in a number of different areas over the years. A particular area of interest is the use of computer-navigated spine surgery, which he has been using at Grace Hospital for several years now with the aim of improving patient safety and outcomes.
Contact information:
Grace Orthopaedic Centre
335 Cheyne Road, Tauranga
Private Bag 12506 Tauranga
Tel 07 543-1863
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