Internet Banking Details
Bank Account: 03 0584 0283955 00 Grace Hospital
Please use patient name and surgery date as the transaction reference when making your internet payment
Patient Declaration
( patients will sign for this on the printed form during admission )
I understand:
- that the admitting consultants and anaesthetists using Grace Hospital facilities are independent practitioners who are not employees of Grace Hospital. I understand I have a direct relationship with them in respect to treatment, care and payment of their accounts.
- that I am responsible for any other costs associated with my stay i.e. radiology, additional costs due to treatment complications not covered in my estimate and not covered by medical insurance, ambulance, ACC or other funder.
- that I will pay any estimated personal payment or insurance excess at least 3 days prior to admission.
- that collection costs and interest may be added to any overdue account.
- that while every care will be taken with my essential items e.g. spectacles, watch etc, I should leave other valuables at home, as Grace Hospital is unable to take responsibility for these items.
I give permission to Grace Hospital or any other health professional involved in my care for this admission to hospital, to access health information about me that is relevant to my treatment, which may be held by Grace Hospital, other health professionals or other health organisations.