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Covid-19 Precautions as of 22nd December 2021

Written by Janet Keys, General Manager on December 22nd, 2021.      0 comments

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All patients coming to Grace for a procedure should be double vaccinated. This will reduce the risk of transmission of Covid-19 to other patients, staff and consultants.

Your surgeon’s consulting room staff will check your vaccination status and will inform us when booking your surgery.

Unvaccinated patients, single vaccinated patients or ANY patient travelling from a RED zone will be required to complete a Rapid Antigen Test on arrival for admission.

All visitors coming into Grace Hospital should be double vaccinated. We are permitting only one designated visitor per patient during hospitalisation. No children are permitted to visit.

If you are an unvaccinated parent of a child having surgery, or you are a carer of a patient and wish to assist in care provision please contact us on 07 577 5270.

All patients and visitors are required to scan the Gov. Tracer App, provide evidence of vaccination and will be asked screening questions. Please advise us on 07 577 5270 if you have any symptoms of Covid-19, have been in close contact with a positive or suspected case or have been at a location of interest and advised to self-isolate.

Please disregard any information about booking a Covid Test with Rako Science that you may have received from your surgeons rooms. From January 2022 any Covid tests required will take place at Grace Hospital on admission.

We’re hopeful that with the above measures in place we can protect our patients, visitors and staff from being exposed to covid19 whilst at Grace.

Thank you for your co-operation. Any queries, please contact me via

