2015 News

Auckland Prostate Cancer men travel to Tauranga for robotic surgery

Posted on August 24, 2015 
Grace Hospital is the only facility in the North island that has a Da Vinci robot on site. Grace invested in the Si model in 2014 to replace their existing machine, which had become obsolete. 

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Recuperate from your surgery with a stay at Mount Maunganui 

Posted on August 24, 2015 
After surgery, it is ideal to spend a few days relaxing, taking short walks and recuperating before getting back into the bustle of your usual lifestyle.

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Grace Hospital surgeons recognised for services to surgery

Posted on July 23, 2015 
Awards for two Grace Hospital surgeons for their contributions to surgery and research have been conferred this week

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New MRI provides improved image resolution 

Posted on July 1, 2015 
Bay Radiology’s new MRI Scanner at Grace campus provides their highest resolution imaging in Tauranga.

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Grace Hospital supported Blue September for Prostate Cancer

Posted October 5, 2015
Grace Hospital backed the annual Blue September prostate cancer awareness appeal by running a face painting competition for staff. Votes for the best painted face/slogan raised funds for prostate cancer awareness programmes. "It's not as scary as this - get your prostate checked" (photo shown) was one of the winning entries.

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Education centre available to medical community

Posted June 27, 2015
Grace Hospital provide a well-equipped Education Centre  for use by the medical community - ideal for seminars, lectures and product displays.

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Orthopaedic Surgeon David Bartle joins Grace

Posted on June 22, 2015 
Grace Hospital is pleased to welcome Orthopaedic Surgeon, David Bartle to their team

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Sunny Veerappan joins Grace Endoscopy Team

Posted on June 22, 2015 
Sunny Veerappan has recently been welcomed into the endoscopy team at Grace Hospital.

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Bowel cancer awareness month 

Posted on June 11, 2015
New Zealand has the highest rate of bowel cancer death in the developed world, along with Australia. NZ women have the highest rate of bowel cancer in OECD countries. Bowel cancer is the 2nd most diagnosed cancer in New Zealand, 1200 New Zealanders die each year as a result of bowel cancer, and 3000 people in NZ are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year

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